English Springer Spaniel Welpenseite von Ganwales

litter planning for autumn 2017


for enquiries please contact us via phone 0043 676 7252536
or choose the email link


From this breeding, I expect well constructed puppies with lots of energy and interest in all sort of working. If trained as gundog, therapy dog or  rescue dog, I am sure you will have the right dog. The parents are both very active dogs, interested and always happy to be into something. They are very close to their owner and have that typical trust.

We are looking with excitement towards this litter, it will be the last litter of Spice as she will turn 8 this november .....
.... so stay tuned for news !
If you would like to get further infos regarding this litter, then please feel free and contact me

@ michaela@ganwales.at


the parents

  Trimere Touch of Spice









Trimere Touch of Spice

HD-A, eyes clear
Calvdale Blak to the Future Baldragon Back Again
Calvdale Take No Prisoners
SHCH Trimere True Sensation SHCH Timere Trading Places with Sheledams
SHCH Trimere True Destiny



for enquiries please contact us via phone 0043 676 7252536 or choose the email link below

mail to: michaela@ganwales.at





This is my way of breeding
Foto freundlicherweise von Winterwatercreek's zur Verfügung gestellt.

About once a year we have puppies at GANWALES. All my dogs live with us in the house, kennels you wont find around the house. So we have a very close relationshop to our dogs and to be honest: both sides enjoy this !
The first 4 weeks our puppies live with us together in the house. The first weeks a whelpingbox is enough, then we enlarge their area in the livingroom to give them more space to move around. Visits of the other Ganwales dogs are more than welcome. Depending on their activity and the season of the year, they can go  to the puppy room which is right next to our patio. There they have much more space to train their instincts and movement, have free acess to the garden and during the night they sleep secure in the puppy room. They quickly learn to make a difference between "in the house" and "outside", so the "house training" gets easier when the puppy leaves us.

Visiters are now also welcome, the puppies are more stable and enjoy all kind of new things. This way we  slowly integrate them  into "real" life.

I breed dogs since 2001, so the time with puppies is "normal" for me, but I always enjoy it very much. We then have lots of guests, those with and those without dog, former puppy buyers and friends who always enhoy the time when the Ganwales Kennel has puppys as their life makes it impossible to have a dog themselves.  

Depending on the weather I also take the puppies together with mom for short walks. This is always very exciting for the dogs and the people. It always amazes me how simple it is, nobody really is interested to leave the crowd , but those little tails are always in great action, and the noses are sniffing interested across fields and in the woods. .

All my puppies leave my house with a pedigree of the Austrian Huntingspaniel Club- this is their passport and shows where they come from - The Club is member of the Austrian Kennel Club (ÖKV) and member or the workdwide Kennel Club the FCI. I always breed within the regulations of the Club.

My Kennel has a special certificate since 2005 -


-which means, that I have a certified kennel.  The house, garden and the dogs are in premium condition, everything connected  for breeding porpose is checked and my knowledge exceeds normal standard. Our Kennel club has regular check-ups and renews this certificate yearly.

All pedigrees of my puppies get a stamp with this certificate to proove the quality of their kennel.

My puppies leave us  at the age of 9 weeks. They are regulary dewormed, at the age of 8 weeeks they get their first (our of three) vaccinations , are chipped and checked through my vet. Each litter is also checked through our breeding secretary and certifies with his signature that the litter was raised ok.

All puppy owners receive together with their puppy a owner manual. There you can find all sort of infos concerning growing up of a puppy and handling a puppy. Also a sales contract has to be signed before the puppy leaves to its new home.

...... what I expect from my puppy owners:

I expect, that their choice buying a puppy has been well thought over, that they know, that this is a desicion for a dogs-lifetime. They also promise to train their puppy with interest to the breed and let it live together with the family !

Kenneling is not accepted ! (Have a look at the sales contract !)

An English Springer Spaniel is an active dog who needs attention and movement in order to keep the lovely temperament and stay healthy in mind and body. If you have problems with your dog or just have a question, please feel free to contact me, I hope I can answer your questions satisfyingly.

...... and.....to come to an end...I wait desperately for messages ! I always want to know how my baby develops and get infos about different stages of life. Email, Telefone or Facebook are easy ways to leave a message.

because you always have to have in your mind:

You have a puppy of one of my dogs, so this will always be a member of my family !
No matter how old it is !!!!






Who is "GANWALES "  ?
Foto freundlicherweise von Winterwatercreek's zur Verfügung gestellt.

Seit 2001 züchte ich unter meinem Zwingernamen GANWALES, erfolgreich Golden Retriever. 2012 wird dann hoffentlich- so alles gut geht, mein erster Springer Spaniel Wurf fallen. Vieles wird neu sein, das Wichtigste bleibt gleich.....neue Hunde werden geboren und benötigen in der ersten Zeit ihres Lebens
viel Fürsorge, Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit.

Durch jahrelange Erfahrung in der Welpenaufzucht und -prägung und eine intensive Begleitung meiner Welpenkäufer durchs erste Jahr, habe ich mir  ein solides Wissen im Umgang mit Welpen, Junghunden und das Trainieren von erwachsenen Hunden angeeignet. Ich bin auch geprüfter ÖKV Trainer, übe diese Tätigkeit jedoch nicht offiziell aus, das Wissen allerdings habe ich und gebe ich auch gerne weiter. Für mich ist die Hundehaltung und die Hundezucht ein Hobby, das zu einer Lebenseinstellung geworden ist.

Mein Zuchtziel war, und wird immer sein:

gesunde, wesensfeste Hunde
bestmöglich nach dem Standart gezüchtet
sinnvoll züchten um einen Fortbestand der Rasse wie sie sein soll, zu erhalten
verpaart mit dem Idealpartner (auch wenn dieser manchmal etwas weiter weg wohnt)
aufgezogen nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen
 geprägt auf ihr zukünftiges Leben

...aber vor allem:
- verantwortungsbewusste Welpenkäufer finden
- eine umfassende Info mit auf den Weg geben
- jederzeit ein Ansprechpartner für Hundeprobleme sein


und hier erklärt sich auch mein "Zuchtstätten Leitsatz" der mich über die Jahre begleitet hat:

"Ganwales English Gundogs, bred with love, brain and passion"





Michaela E.-Anderson & Thomas Engstler
A-6714Nüziders, Walgaustrasse 26,
A-1190 Wien, Zehenthofgasse 14
Tel.+ Fax : 0043 (0)5552 68925
mobil: +43 676 7252536


© Dreamwork Designs - 2002

ENGLISH SPRINGER SPAIEL - GANWALES - Infos über Wurfplanung und Welpen