On this page
you can find a few links leading you to pages with lots
of Infos about the breed English Springer Spaniel, about
my kennel and about the way I breed.

My Story -
Or: Why did it have to be an
English Springer Spaniel !
Since 1996
I am deeply involved into"dog bussiness or deeply
connected to the Golden Retriever". Initially, it should
just be a distraction to the "housewives and motherhood
life", but quite fast, a challenging and life-fulfilling
hobby has developed from it. The first year my husband
Thomas was just an observer, my driver to exhibitions,
craftsmen for various workings in the house which made
the dogs attitude necessary and especially my sponsor!
Because everyone who thinks - you can make money
with dog breeding, is completely wrong! We spent great
times at exhibitions or at trainings with our dogs. My
boys, back in elementary school age, were always part of
the party.
The years
go by, the dog crowd is getting more and grows up to 6
dogs, we were the proud owners of 3 males and 3 females.
I was lucky to have (since 2001) a very good
instinct for breeding, chooseing not just "next
doors studdog ", but following my instincts, who
directed me to a good way. I also had the good fortune
to find great puppy buyers, sometimes even
friendship developed.
Golden Retriever can be found all over Europe and
oversea in the USA and Canada,They keep the flag flying
for their kennel of origin and make me very proud.
Due to my intense activities I acquired a large
knowledge about breeding and showing. I can say that I
have a really good eye for a dogs body and I am used to
judge a dogs or puppys show quality regarding to its
movement and construction. I attended several
times shows as co-judge and so could learn a lot. On the
way to become an official show-judge I had a difficult
time with co-breeders and other dog related people. Not
always people are happy if someone else is successful.
I enjoy
working together with other dog owners and breeders, not
against each other. But unfortunately not everybody has
the same opinion and my love for breeding dogs and
the dog world was spoiled through various events and
actions caused by mischivious people. This all ended
2009 with various health problems from me and my
husband. My boys meanwhile pubescent teenager,
didnt make things easier and so everything was too much
for me.. The Doctor's prescription was: avoid stress,
clean up your life, take care of yourself and surround
yourself with more positive people. This was a clear
statement, and I noticed that I was now arrived at a
crossroad. So it can not continue, that was obvious. Go
on, but in a different way, or stop? No more breeding,
only "family dogs"?
Welpenkäufer und Freunde drängten mich nicht aufzuhören,
zu stolz waren sie auf das was ich gezüchtet hatte und
wollten die Ganwales-Hunde nicht missen. Ich erhielt
tolle Unterstützung und Zuspruch und bin stolz, solche
Welpenkäufer und Freunde zu haben. Das ein Ereignis, das
Jahre zuvor stattfand, mich auf den richtigen Weg
bringen wird, das wusste ich damals noch nicht: es
war der CRUFTSBESUCH 2007.....
Jahre zuvor, als ich mit Cordula, einer Welpenkäuferin
und Freundin zur CRUFTS 2007 nach England fuhr und sie,
bevor wir die Ausstellungshalle betreten, noch schnell
mal "wohin" mußte, damals begann es, eine
Begegnung die vieles ändern sollte.
buyers and friends urged me not to quit, they were proud
that they had a GANWALES dog and would not want to
miss their dog. I received great support and
encouragement and I am proud to have such puppy buyers
and friends. The event, which took place years earlier,
will bring me to the right path, that I did not know at
the time: it was my visit at CRUFTS 2007 .....
So .... Years ago, I visited with Cordula, a
puppy-owner and girlfriend, Crufts (2007) and,
before we enter the exhibition hall, she had to go to
the toilet and we met a lady with 5 Springer Spaniels on
the lead. What we did not know at that ti´me, this event
shoudl be the beginning of a "love affair" and
would change a lot.
Springer Spaniel Ausstellerin und Züchterin (wie ich
später erfuhr) drückte mir vor der Toilette kurzerhand
ihre 5 Spaniels in die Hand und meinte nur: they wont
cause any problems, I just have to go quick to the loo"
- für alle die nicht Englisch können: the loo ist bei
uns das WC !!!! . Ok, da stand ich nun mit 5
bildhübschen Exemplaren, alle 5 saßen vor mir und
schauten mich an. Ich wußte zwar,dass das Spaniels
waren, kannte doch bis dato nur Cocker. Es knallte !
A Springer
Spaniel exhibitor and breeder (as I later heard) gave me
in front of the lady's loo the leads of her 5
Springer Spaniels and just said: They wont cause
anytrouble, I just have to go quick to the loo "- for
all the non-English people, the "loo" means in the UK
the toilet/bathroom!!. Ok, there I was with 5 very
pretty dogs, all five sat in front of me and looked at
me. I knew, of course, that they were Spaniels,
but until then I was only familiar with English
Cocker. ., it popped!
the day, as I stood at the Golden Retriever ring, I
glanced again and again to the Spaniels ... I was
fascinated of their gait, their nature, their merry
jumping, almost like a Golden, only a little more
intense in all cases. The show was over, and we flew
back home, but since then my ESS folder was filled
more and more with photos, descriptions, pedigrees and
A few
months later a breeder ordered in my shop
retrieving equipment, I offered her to take her
things with me to the show where we can meet. And what a
surprise....she was a breeder of English Springer
Spaniels! So I had the opportunity to watch her dogs and
see how ESS behaive "outside" of the ring. Very friendly
and dedicated she told about her life with the spaniels.
Typical for me ..... I came straight to the right, she
was the show secretary of the Austrian Spaniel Club,
a very committed Springer Spaniel breeder and owner.
.... now,
as I was just in my "life crisis" was in, and knew, I
rather should stop with the active dog life, because I
can not stand the pressure, the backbiting and the
squabbling of others. But all those positive
reactions my puppy buyers gave me helped me a lot and I
would not want to miss it and yet a lot of positiv
things had happened in the past, so, my husband said to
me: ok, do your homework and enquire at a quality kennel
in England for a Springer Spaniel girl. Distract
yourself with your search for a relyable breeder, study
the breed, gain new strength and be "yourself"again.
It did not
take a long time, after all it does not matter whether
Golden Retriever or Springer Spaniel. If a breeder
is a good breeder with a heart you can see this quickly.
And after beeing active involved since 13 years in
international dog bussiness, this was no big deal
for me finding the right breeder. My good luck brought
me to Ann Corbett and Spice. She had no upcoming litter,,
but she offered me after she had a good look at my
website and a long phone call a lovely 7 months old girl
. She owned the black and white sister, and was looking
for a loving show home for the "young lady". She told us
the condition: to spend a weekend with her, "to sniff"
at each other and to get to know each other and the dogs,
Iif everything fits I would get Spice temporarily.
A few weeks later we drove to England and brought Spice
with us to Austria. No one knew how it will be, 5 golden
retriever and a 7 month old Springer Spaniel bitch who
behaives the way she was named......SPICE ! ! However
... it was love at first sight.
All went
well, Spice was my own personal "therapy dog", brought
me back to my path - for which it seems I am
determined. In no time she was part of our pack and
sometimes I discover that I must have more than
just one Springer Spaniel. My Goldens also start to hop
around and behaive like Spice. Slowly my Goldens mutate
to Springer Spaniel!
And my
husband now has a task more .... Spice has taken a fancy
to him and he barely can not escape her love . Typical,
as Spaniels have a more intensive manner to deal with
things as a Golden Retriever.
I love both
breeds and am happy and proud at the same time that I
have the opportunity to be able to breed these two
wonderful breeds. I am fully aware of this
responsibility and do my best.
We have now Golden Retriever friends and Springer
Spaniel friends and my life is now connected even more
with my dogs. So everything goes well, I will raise my
first spaniel litter in autumn 2012. Everybody, and I'm
talking about my 4-legged and 2-legged team are look
forward to this event.(October
A lot
happened the last 2 years. Meanwhile I cannot imagine
life without my lovely Spice. In autumn 2011 she gave
birth of lovely 10 puppies of all colour shades which
are possible. I found lovely owners and this litter gave
me the necessary strength, and happiness I was looking
for the past few years. At the moment I am in planing my
second ESS litter...
maybe in a few years a second ESS can join our family,
then Spice has a companion and is not forcet to pretend
to be a Golden Retriever :)

Who is

Since 2001 I breed under the affix
GANWALES quite successful Golden Retievers. 2012 I will
have - so god will - my first ESS litter. Many things
will be new, but the most important thing will remain
the same......new puppies will be born and need a lot of
attention, love and careing.
Through years of
experience in puppy rearing and intensive support
of my puppy buyers through the first year, I achieved
a solid knowledge in dealing with puppies, young dogs
and the training of adult dogs. I am also a certified
trainer ÖKV, but do not practice this officially
anymore. But I still have the knowledge and experience
to help if necessary. For me, the dog ownership and dog
breeding is a hobby that has become my way of life.
My breeding aim was and will
always be:
mentally strong dogs with a true temperament
bred under the official standard rules
sensible breeding for a continuance of the ESS as it
should be
mated to the ideal partner (even if he sometimes lives
far away)
reared to the best of knowledge and belief
embossed on their future life
but especially:
- find responsible puppy buyers
- provide a comprehensive info on the way
-at all times be a contact person for all kind of dogs
- never forget "my babies"
....just simple: to be a BREEDER WITH HEART, LOVE AND
and this also explains my "kennel slogan" which
accompanied me over the years:
English Gundogs, bred with love, brain and passion"

This is
my way of breeding

once a year we have puppies at GANWALES. All my dogs
live with us in the house, kennels you wont find around
the house. So we have a very close relationshop to our
dogs and to be honest: both sides enjoy this !
The first 4 weeks our puppies live with us together in
the house. The first 2-3 weeks a whelpingbox is enough
for the puppies to feel safe with mom laying by them,
we enlarge their area in the livingroom to give them
more space to move around. Aktivity is the most
important thing in this stage of development. Visits of the other Ganwales
dogs are more than welcome. Depending on their activity
and the season of the year, they can go to the
puppy room which is right next to our patio at about 4-5
weeks of age. There they
have much more space to train their instincts and
movement, have free acess to the garden and during the
night they sleep secure in the puppy room. They quickly
learn to make a difference between "in the house" and "outside",
so "house training" gets easier when the puppy
leaves us.
are now welcome, the puppies are more stable and
enjoy all kind of new things. This way we slowly
integrate them into "real" life until they leave
us at the age of 8-9 weeks.
I breed
dogs since 2001, so meanwhile the time with puppies is
part of "normal"
life for me, but I always enjoy it very much. We then have
lots of guests, those with and those without dogs, former
puppy buyers and friends who always enhoy the time when
the Ganwales Kennel has puppys as their life makes it
impossible to have a dog themselves.
on the weather I also take the puppies together with mom
for short walks. This is always a very exciting
adventure for the
dogs and the helpers. It always amazes me how simple it
is, nobody really is interested to leave the crowd , but
those little tails are always in great action, and the
noses are sniffing interested across fields and in the
woods. . .
All my
puppies leave my house with a pedigree of the Austrian
Huntingspaniel Club- this is their passport and shows
where they come from regardless if pet or show quality.
Our Club is member of the
Austrian Kennel Club (ÖKV) and member or the workdwide
Kennel Club the FCI. I always breed within the
regulations of our Club.
My Kennel
has a special certificate since 2005 -

means, that I have a certified kennel. The house,
garden and the dogs are in premium condition, everything
connected for breeding porpose is checked and my
knowledge exceeds normal standard. Our Kennel club has
regular check-ups and renews this certificate yearly.
You have to apply for this certificate and be a long
termed breeder before they visit your kennel and check
pedigrees of my puppies get a badge to proove the quality of their kennel
and breeding. My puppies
leave us at the age of 9 weeks. They go through
several worm treatments, at the age of 8 weeeks they get their first (out
of three) vaccination , are chipped and examined by our vet. Each litter also is checked
by our breeding
secretary and he certifies with his signature that the
litter has been raised properly.
puppy owners receive together with their puppy an owner
manual. There you can find all sort of infos concerning
growing up of a puppy and handling a puppy. Also a sales
contract has to be signed before the puppy leaves to its
new home.
...... what I expect from my puppy owners:
I expect,
that their choice buying a puppy has been well thought,
that they know, that this is a desicion for a
They also promise to train their puppy
with interest to the breed
and let it live together with
the family !
Kenneling is not accepted ! (Have a look at the sales
contract !)
An English
Springer Spaniel is an active dog who needs attention
and movement in order to keep the lovely temperament and
stay healthy in mind and body. If you have problems with
your dog or just have a question, please feel free to
contact me, I hope I can answer your questions
and.....to come to an end...I wait desperately for
messages ! I always want to know how my baby develops
and get infos about different stages of life. Email,
Telefon or Facebook are easy ways to leave a message.
because you
always have to have in your mind:
You have a
puppy of one of my dogs, so this will always be a member
of my family !
No matter how old it is !!!!

The Breed - English Springer

CH Trimere Thriller
(uncle of Spice)
English Springer Spaniel is a very attractive type in
the spaniel family. It combines beauty, strength and
quality in a high degree . His body , well proportioned
and balanced, giving it the power and endurance to cope
with his hunting tasks. An ideal gundog , who is by his
athletic figure and his outstanding nose able to ferret
out even heavy game in rough terrain and retrieve . But
also for water work the English Springer is
very useful, He enjoys going through the reeds and deep
water, browsing and retrieving game .
The English Springer Spaniel is an ancient hunting breed
of pure origin, but was described by the Kennel Club in
1902 , as well as the Welsh Springer Spaniel, as a
distinct variety by default. It combines those
characteristics that apply more or less to all other
Spaniel varieties: the friendliness , the easiness
dealing with things , the devotion to his pack , the
forward movement and temperament , courage and passion.
Aggression is not typical for an ESS.
(Quelle www.jagdspaniel.at)

Click on the image and decide for
yourself wether an English Springer Spaniel is really
the right breed for you!
(drawing by Dick Twinney)

Bei den
meisten Deckanzeigen stehen neben den Elterntieren
Abkürzungen die die Gesundheit betreffen. Hier ein
Erklärung und vor allem die Auswirkung der Erkrankung.
Der English
Springer Spaniel zählt zu den mittelgroßen Jagdhunden
und ist ein sportlicher Hund. Hüfgelenksdysplasie
(Fehlbildung des Hüftgelenkes) kann auch bei dieser
Rasse auftreten. Ab 12 Monaten - wenn das Skelett
verknöchert ist - und eine Fehlbildung vorhanden ist,
kann durch Fehlbelastung Athrose (Abnützung) im Gelenk
gebildet werden und der Hund bekommt früher oder später
HD wird in
5 Stufen eingeteit:
(=frei), B(=Verdacht),C(leichte HD) ... mit diesen
Befunden darf in Ö gezüchtet werden,
HD), E(=schwere HD)... zur Zucht ausgeschlossen.
Wie kann ich
HD verhindern?
1. GENETIK: es
kann genetischen Ursprung haben, nur WIE genau die
Vererbung stattfindet, ist bis heute noch nicht
erforscht. Klar ist jedoch, auch gesunde Eltern können HD-betroffene Nachkommen hervorbringen, und GENAUSO
UMGEKEHRT ! Also, ein HD-freier Befund ist kein Garant
für HD-freie Nachkommen, ein HD befundeter Elternteil
"vererbt" nicht zwangsläufig HD !
nachgewiesen allerdings ist: HD kann durch falsche
Haltung "gefördert" werden. Bis 12 Monaten ist das
Knochenskelett des Hundes noch nicht gefestigt,
Überbeanspruchung durch zuviel Bewegung, zuviel
Training, zu viel Ballspiel (Sprünge, Nachjagen, aprubte
Wendungen,...) können die Gelenke instabil machen da
Bänder und Sehnen noch nicht gefestigt sind und dadurch
die Gelenke "ausschlagen", die Folge ist ein defekter
Knorpel der dann zu Athrosen führt.
ebenfalls nachgewiesen ist, dass eine Fehlernährung im
Wachstum die Gelenksdeformation begünstigt. Mittelgroße
und große Rassen wachsen im ersten Lebensjahr im
Verhältnis zu kleinen Rassen um ein zig-faches mehr. Die
Belastung des Körpergewichtes auf die im Wachstum
befindlichen Gelenke ist groß. Hat ein Hund durch
Fehlernährung (zu Proteinhaltig, zuviel Kalzium, zuviel
Fett) ein zu schnelles Wachstum oder Übergewicht, hat
das fatale Folgen auf seine Gelenke, da Bänder und
Sehnen noch nicht die Festigkeit besitzen diesen
Anforderungen genug zu tun.
Welpenkäufer: Der Züchter versucht durch sinnvolle
Verpaarung das genetische Risiko auszuschließen oder zu
minimieren, die beiden anderen Komponenten - und das
sind 66% - liegen in euren Händen, denn der Hund lebt 10
Monate seines Lebens bei euch, bevor er seinen ersten
Geburtstag feiert !!!!
ABER.... egal welcher HD-Befund ihr Hund hat....er ist
KEIN Garant dafür, dass er Gelenksprobleme bekommen oder
nicht bekommen wird!
Alle Hunde die
von der FCI einen Stammbaum bekommen, dessen Eltern sind
auf genetische/erbliche Augenkrankheiten untersucht. In
der Regel muss diese Untersuchung vor jeder Belegung der
Hündin von beiden Deckpartner gemacht werden.
Beim English
Springer Spaniel werden untersucht:
1. RD -
Retinadysplasie - hier ist die Netzhaut fehlgebildet (in
Falten gelegt, Segmentweise missgebildet, teilweise
abgelöst), wobei bei den beiden letzteren eine
Sehbeeinträchtigung besteht. Dies ist ein angeborener
Defekt, der bereits beim Welpen überprüft werden kann
und zuchtausschließend ist.
2. HD -
Hereditärer Katarakt - oder Linsentrübung genannt, kann
auch in verschiedenen Formen auftreten, meistens
erst ab einem Alter von 3 Jahren oder falls viel später,
spricht man vón "Alterskatarakt". Katarakt kann erblich
sein, aber auch als Folge einer anderen Krankheit
auftreten. Dies kann sein hohes Fieber, ein Schlag auf
den Kopf, eine schwere Geburt bei der Hündin (dies
könnte auch den Welpen selber betreffen), aufgrund einer
Katarakt muss nicht zur Erblindung führen, kann aber zu
einer Sehbeeinträchtigung führen. Auch hier liegt ein
zuchtausschließender Fehler vor.
3. Ektropion/Entropium
- auch Rolllied genannt. Dies ist in den meisten Fällen
operativ zu beheben, sollte allerdings nicht
unterschätzt werden. Durch das Aus- bzw. Einrollen des
Augenlides kann die Hornhaut stark beeinträchtigt
Der befallene Hund wir aus der Zucht genommen.
4. Progressive
Retina Atropie - PRA, ist eine fortschreitende
Erkrankung der Netzhaut die bis zur völligen Erblindung
führt. Es sind bis dato verschiedene Formen der PRA
bekannt, eine davon ist die CORD-1 Mutation, die anderen
Formen müssen bei Hunden die in der Zucht stehen
jährlich überprüft werden.
MUTATION. In den USA ist
es gelungen diese Form, die CORD-1 Mutation, genetisch
nach zu weisen, somit ist der Ausbruch der Krankheit in
der Zucht einfach auszuschließen. Sind beide Elternteile
Träger (carrier) , kann die Krankheit ausbrechen, sobald
einer frei (free) ist, sind lediglich ein Teil der
Nachkommen ebenfalls Träger, jedoch kann keiner der
Nachkommen tatsächlich erkranken. Sind BEIDE FREI, sind
auch deren Nachkommen frei, hier muss auch kein Gentest
mehr gemacht werden.
Eine Bemerkung
am Rande: bei "befallenen" (affected)
muss die Krankheit nicht ausbrechen, bis dato sind sogut
wie keine Fälle medizinisch bekannt !
angeborene Fehlbildung des Raumes zwischen Hornhaut und
Irislinse, der Abfluss des Augenwassers ist gestört,
bildet einen zu großen Druck auf und schädigt so das
Auge ("Fischauge"). Diese Krankheit ist mit Schmerzen
verbunden und kann zur Erblindung führen.
Die Untersuchung, die Gonioskopie muss nur einmal bei
einer Augenuntersuchung mitgemacht werden um
festzustellen, ob der Hund diese Fehlbildung aufweist.
Ist dieser Befund positiv muss es nicht heißen, dass der
Hund an einem Glaukom erkrankt, jedoch ist man
vorgewarnt, falls auffällige Symptome
auftreten...deshalb, auch wenn diese Untersuchung nicht
Pflicht ist, schaden kann es nicht !
FUCOSIDOSE - die Spaniel "Nervenkrankheit",
genetisch nachweisbar
Bei dem
befallenen Hund fehlt ein Enzym das bestimmte
Abwicklungen im Körper steuert. Zuerst ist nur die
Aufnahmefähigkeit, die Koordination und Beweglichkeit
gestört, in zunehmendem Stadium sind auch Organe und das
Gehirn davon betroffen und stören so lebenserhaltende
Körperfunktionen. Sie tritt meistens im Alter von 18
Monaten bis ca. 4 Jahre auf und führt in sogut wie allen
Fällen zum Tod des Hundes.
Die Vermeidung
dieser Krankheit ist einfach:
Niemals einen CARRIER (Träger) mit einem
CARRIER (Träger) oder einem
AFFECTED (erkrankten) Hund verpaaren !
Immer einen Gentest machen um den Status des Hundes zu
- sind
BEIDE ELTERNTEILE FREI, sind deren Nachkommen ebenfalls
FREI, hier spricht man von FREI (elterlich) oder FREE (parental)
und man erspart sich den Gentest !

Michaela E.-Anderson &
Thomas Engstler
A-6714Nüziders, Walgaustrasse 26,
A-1190 Wien,
Zehenthofgasse 14
Tel.+ Fax : 0043 (0)5552
mobil: +43 676 7252536